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Apie mane

👉👉👉 A SEXOLOGIST. This is my job. In general, that's all you need to know about me. 💋💋💋 But if you are SMART and APPRECIATE MY TIME, then we WILL CERTAINLY FIND A COMMON LANGUAGE and you will learn / see MORE ... ❤❤❤ I love high-heeled shoes and interesting fetishes, ART erotica and ASMR, I collect NYLON (tights, stockings, etc.). 🎈🎈🎈 And I am also a writer. For several years now I have been writing articles, my book, and conducting research On FETISHES, as well as their impact on life and worldviews. I will be GLAD to discuss this with you and get YOUR opinion...)! This is the main purpose of my appearance on this site. 💰💰💰 And the money, of course❗ welcome! 🔥🔥🔥 PS: You're going to have to accept that 1) I am solely 👉👉👉 AGAINST showing me what is prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation (everything related to porn) or goes against my personal principles and boundaries. 2) I DELETED all messengers. Therefore, SELLING yours to me and asking mine is INAPPROPRIATE and IRRELEVANT. 📧📧📧 If you want to share photos/ videos / audio with me in messages, then I use 👉👉👉 Fansly for this role - a full-fledged messenger. Look for me there. I'm NONUDE❗

Man patinka

ЩЕДРОСТЬ и УВАЖЕНИЕ к моей персоне!

Daugiau ...

CUMMING from delicious food and drink! I love nylon, high heels!!! And I'm not a "white and fluffy kitty" at all, I'm a DOMINANT woman!

Просто обожаю вкусную еду!!! Для меня еда и питьё может быть ОЧЕНЬ сексуальной… Коллекционирую НЕОБЫЧНЫЕ рецепты алкогольных рецептов. Обязательно делитесь со мной, если у тебя такой имеется )))! Также коллекционирую чулки, колготки. Я ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО

Man nepatinka

Неуважение ко мне❗❗❗ Я не продаю моё тело❗❗❗ Но моё время ОЧЕНЬ ЦЕННО❗❗❗ И оно НЕ бесплатно 💰💸.

Daugiau ...

DISRESPECT to me! I'm not selling my body!!! But my time spent with you costs money...

Disrespect to me!!! I'm not selling my body!!! But my time is very valuable!!! And it's not free. _____________ Неуважение ко мне!!! Я не продаю моё тело!!! Но моё время очень ценно!!! И оно не бесплатно.

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