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VardasMARIANAAC (marianaacevedo)
TautybėLotynų Amerikos
KalbosAnglų, Ispanų
Biusto dydisVidutinė
Asilo dydisVidutinė
Plaukų spalvaTamsūs
Akių spalvaRudos

Man patinka

Guys I am realistic I am excited about many things but my favorite is oral sex, kisses on the neck and caresses on the legs, I think if you want to put me very perverted you should not skip these steps, when it comes to fucking I love to ride is my

Daugiau ...

Guys, I'm realistic, I get excited about many things, but my favorite is oral sex, kisses on the neck and caresses on the legs, I think whenyou want to put me very perverted you should not skip these steps, when it comes to fucking I love to ride is my

Man nepatinka

I'm turned off by rude guys, I'm also a little turned off by a guy who doesn't want to have fun at the moment and is very serious and just wants to come and that's it. Guys who come into my living room just to annoy me and don't want to have fun.

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