
Moteris / 22 metai / Jautis

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China, Lu'an
Biusto dydisMaža
Asilo dydisVidutinė
Plaukų spalvaŠviesūs
Akių spalvaRudos

Apie mane

Outside of the internet, I am very shy and timid person. I often get accused of avoiding conversations and, therefore, people LOL! However, I certainly would not mind talking here! No, really, I would love to learn more about you...

Daugiau ...

Outside of the internet, I am very shy and timid person. I often get accused of avoiding conversations and, therefore, people LOL! However, I certainly would not mind talking here! No, really, I would love to learn more about you. If you want to let me

Outside of the internet, I am very shy and timid person. I often get accused of avoiding conversations and, therefore, people LOL! However, I certainly would not mind talking here! No, really, I would love to learn more about you.<...

Outside of the internet, I am very shy and timid person. I often get accused of avoiding conversations and, therefore, people LOL! However, I certainly would not mind talking here! No, really, I would love to learn more about you. If you want to let me

Man patinka

Although I don't like long talks, I usually start from small things to discuss, to make it comfy for you. But if you go straight to the point, I might feel a little wet down there ;)

Man nepatinka

Please, do not forget about manners here. We are civilised human after all, aren't we? Coming in my room and demanding, calling me a slut, a whore, a bitch is such a mood killer! :(

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