Moteris / 26 metai / Vėžys
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Apie mane
I love living in the present, I am a singer, I have a fruit music album on my YouTube channel Mommy Jeva so you can come dance, I sing hot songs and my music videos are very sensual, I love reading the comments and interacting with friends to take their answers and turn them into something creative and fun to talk and continue socializing in my life every day, I love being a webcam model, touching myself, getting wet and enjoying the attention of viewers, I am Mommy Jeva hot artist
Hello! Welcome to my room!
I enjoy transmitting and I love the camera, meeting new people and reading their conversation, flashy, laughing and giving answers, it excites me a lot that they make me do unexpected delicious things. I'm Latin I'm tropical like that
Be happy, enjoy, feel comfortable with people who are really worth spending my valuable time and theirs, intelligent and positive. They usually feel identified with me since I transmit energy to their life just by sharing mine and making a different
Hello! A pleasure to have you, I am the sexy Mommy Jeva from Venezuela, intelligent, in love, ambitious with elegance and wickedness, to seduce you and enjoy your presence, making me feel to your liking and making me feel what I like to feel most in life,
Man patinka
Let them think that by putting it in you will feel infinite pleasure and unite us as one 🤤, among what I love most live, making my toy vibrate and smelling my wet pussy while I touch myself is very exciting for me
I love feeling desired by a man or a woman all day long, who exasperates me with their smell of desire for my arrival, I love it and it excites me a lot to fuck in places that cannot be done, such as in the church, the dining room, my grandmother's or
that they touch me, speak low in my ear, a smell of exquisite perfume, listen to their experience and do it with me, oral sex and slowly take me to his wet penis making me suck it, gentlemen of my preference by nature and not by concern. que me toquen, me
It excites me a lot that you make me imagine what you are doing thinking of me and feeling desired
that they touch me, speak low in my ear, a smell of exquisite perfume, listen to their experience and do it with me, oral sex and slowly take me to his wet penis making me suck it, gentlemen of my preference by nature and not by concern. que me toquen, me
Man nepatinka
Don't be the way you are
It turns me off when they ask me for things without planning them first, that they ask and ask and do not give the established time limit with which the action should be done, that they are rude and ignorant, with their words and ant-brain responses
What turns me off the most apart from not wanting me, is that you are a lying and rude person, that you give me something and take it out on me, I like that they give the best since I will give you more of the best and without lying It will be an almost
It turns me off when they ask me for things without planning them first, that they ask and ask and do not give the established time limit with which the action should be done, that they are rude and ignorant, with their words and ant-brain responses
I do not like that you demand me being rude, asking and asking and do not value my company and time, I prefer intelligent gentlemen, who know how to control the situation and enjoy great pleasure together
Ką galite pamatyti mano vaizdo įraše
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- putės dulkinimas
- Visiškai privatus pokalbis už 90+ Žetonų
- burnos kaištis
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- Grupinis pokalbis už 20-39 Žetonų
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- Namų šeimininkė mažylė
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- Privatūs modeliai už 60-89 Žetonų
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