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KalbosAnglų, Rusų
Biusto dydisMaža
Asilo dydisMaža
Plaukų spalvaŠviesūs
Akių spalvaŽalios

Apie mane

Full-time university student. I am getting a profession of a teacher of art and technology Creative, therefore KIKA - in honor of my cat, ASS - ass, and if everything is together KIKASSO like PICASSO. She graduated from an Orthodox school. I like to change the color of my hair (I have black, red 😉). Always open to people and communication. I love all fantasies and orders.

Daugiau ...

Full-time university student. I am getting a profession of a teacher of art and technology Creative, therefore KIKA - in honor of my cat, ASS - ass, and if everything is together KIKASSO like PICASSO. She graduated from an Orthodox school. I like to change the color of my hair (I have black, red 😉). Always open to people and communication. I love all fantasies and orders. ✨

Man patinka

Общение. Инициатива. Ум.

Daugiau ...

Общение. Инициатива. Ум. ✨

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Игнорирование) ✨

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