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venezuela, Medellin
TautybėLotynų Amerikos
KalbosAnglų, Ispanų
Biusto dydisDidelė
Asilo dydisDidelė
Plaukų spalvaTamsūs
Akių spalvaRudos

Apie mane

Hello! Welcome to my room!

Daugiau ...

Hello, I'm Rebecca, I'm single, I'm 22 years old I'm from maracay venezuela but I live in medellin colombia. I am a university technician in graphic design, I have great affinity for subjects such as the British monarchy and forensic medicine, I am not a

Man patinka

I am excited by self-confident men, who do not consider a tabu to explore their sexuality, I love a gentleman who knows how to give me my place as a lady but who certainly in private is unknown

Man nepatinka

It doesn't excite me to do dirty shows, it bothers me to be repeated incessantly something that I already said I wouldn't do.

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